Lolita & Gilda's Burlesque Poetry Hour

Poets taking it off (the last Monday of every month at Bar Rouge in Dupont Circle -- 1315 16th Street NW Washington, DC at 8 p.m.)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Michael, Jennifer, Peter and Aaron TAKE IT OFF

A night of nonstop unmentionables!

Michael Schiavo contemplates his situation

and finally mans up to take the stage

special guest host, Carmen, inspects the merchandise

International Male underwear!

Oooh, ladies like to touch!

Catalogue panties and other unmentionables go for $25.

Jennifer L. Knox rescues our minds from the gutter

classing up this sausage party

with the

slinkiest removal of

a . . .

. . . lacy lavender brassiere ever!

Lifts and separates!

$22 of multi-functionality.

Peter Davis tones down the evening with Hitler Mustache poems.

mouthes off to Gilda before

exposing his hand-designed, one-of-a-kind Cougarama Poetry Tour Tee.


You're not getting my shirt off for less than $40! Growl.

The inimitable Aaron Be1z has a secret

[numerous pictures censored]

and this guy pays $40 for Aaron to put his clothes back on

It looks better on her anyhow.

See you next month.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

It's Poetober at Boolesque!

It's all tricks and treats this month! Please join Gilda and special guest host Carmen in luring Jennifer L. Knox, Aaron Be1z, Peter Davis and Michael Schiavo to take it off on Monday, October 29th. Reading will begin at 8:00 p.m. in The Dark Room at Bar Rouge.

Jennifer L. Knox's new book of poems, Drunk by Noon, is available on Bloof Books, as is her first book, A Gringo Like Me. Her poems have appeared in the anthologies Best American Poetry (1997, 2003 and 2006), Great American Prose Poems: From Poe to Present, and Free Radicals, American Poets BeforeTheir First Books.

Aaron Be1z writes poetry in his hometown of St. Louis, Missouri. His work has appeared in Boston Review, Fence, Painted Bride Quarterly, Black Clock, and other places, and his first full-length book, The Bird Hoverer, was published by BlazeVOX in 2007. Another of his manuscripts, Clementines, was selected as a runner-up for the 2006 Marsh Hawk Press contest by Denise Duhamel, who writes: "Aaron Be1z is a gravely hilarious poet . . . his ferocious intelligence, his love of glitz, and his wry take on relationships (both human and animal) are irresistible. Be1z's voice is bold, wise, inimitable."

Peter Davis' book of poems is Hitler's Mustache. He edited Poet's Bookshelf: Contemporary Poets on Books that Shaped their Art. His poems have appeared in journals like No Tell Motel, McSweeney's, Octopus, and Court Green. He lives in Muncie Indiana with his wife, son, and daughter and teaches at Ball State University.

Michael Schiavo's poetry and nonfiction have appeared in The Yale Review, Tin House, McSweeney's Internet Tendency, Forklift, Ohio, 1913: A Journal of Forms, LIT, Painted Bride Quarterly, Seneca Review, and The Believer, among other publications. He is also a contributing editor to CUE.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Updated 2007 Schedule

October 29
Jennifer L. Knox, Michael Schiavo, Peter Davis, Aaron Be1z

November 26
Laurel Snyder, Rod Smith, Mel Nichols, Hugh Behm-Steinberg

December 31
No reading