Lolita & Gilda's Burlesque Poetry Hour

Poets taking it off (the last Monday of every month at Bar Rouge in Dupont Circle -- 1315 16th Street NW Washington, DC at 8 p.m.)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Jeffrey, Aaron and Jess TAKE IT OFF

Jeffrey Lee gets under our skirts

and slips into our hearts and off into

something more comfortable.

$13 never felt so great.

Aaron Tieger entraps us with his words

and gives us the key to his handcuffs

Arrestingly $18!

Woof -- I thought this was Burlesque . . . where's the boobies?

Jess Mynes has a secret

a hidden


tight-fitting secret

Let Gilda help with you with that

and show you how . . . how to make $20!

Bon Voyage, Lolita. Can't wait until your return!